
CSS inline script runner. Use javascript pattern to define css value.

View the Project on GitHub mahdaen/csscript

CSS Script

Inline css script runner. Use javascript to define css value or eval script directly via css. CSS Script is DOMList and jQuery extension. To makes CSS Script working, you should load it after loading DOMList. If you want to use jQUery, then you must load jQPatch before load this.


cssproperty: '%(SCRIPT)%';

Scripts should be inside %()% pattern. Currently we have param $i as index number of selected element.


By default, CSScript convert the CSSRule string to CSSRule object if contains CSScript pattern. If you want to convert all rules no matter they have CSScript pattern or not, please write config before loading the CSScript.

WARNING! Converting all rules will takes load time on a big css.

We also added AutoRender support for DOM insertion event. So, when some dom element inserted into document, CSSCript will re-render. We use animation to define insertion event since dom mutation event already deprecated. By default we turn this feature off for performance support. You can enable it by adding configs before loading CSScript.

Config sample
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Extract all rules.
        window.CSScriptExtractAll = true;

        // Enable auto-render on DOM insertion.
        window.CSScriptAutoRender = true;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="csscript/dist/csscript.min.j"></script>

If you want to access the converted rules, you can read window.CSScriptLists object in browser console.


You can get CSScript by choosing download above or using:

npm install csscript


bower install csscript


Supported Events

Inline Params


        <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="domlist/dist/domlist.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="csscript/dist/csscript.min.js"></script>
        <div class="container">
            <div class="container-offset">
                <div class="container-content">
                    <div class="only-mobile"></div>
        <div class="fit-list">
            <div class="fill"></div>
            <div class="fill"></div>
            <div class="fill"></div>
.container {
    width: '%(window.innerWidth > 960 ? 960 : window.innerWidth)%';
    margin: 0 auto;
.container-offset {
    height: 300px;
.container-content {
    height: '%($(".container").height() / 2)%';
.mobile-only {
    display: '%(window.innerWidth <= 320 ? "block" : "none")%';

// Using index number of li and log the index.
ul .increased-height {
    height: '%(($i * 10) - 5)%';
    scripts: '%(console.log($i))%';

// Run javascripts.
.container-content:click {
    scripts: '%($(".container").toggleClass("content-hovered"))%';

// Create element that has dynamic height depend on childrens length on parent element.
.fit-list {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: '%( window.innerHeight )%';
.fit-list .fill {
    // Get the parent element childrens length.
    script: '%( @flChilds = $(this).parent().children().length )%';

    // Get the height by counting total height with total childrens.
    script: '%( @clHeight = (window.innerHeight / @flChilds) )%';

    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: '%( @clHeight )%'; // Using @clHeight

// Use with media query.
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024) {
    .fit-list {
        script: '%( $(this).appendTo(".container-content") )%';

Manual Render

Use $.renderCSScript() to re-render the styles. Usually, it's usefull when you want to use CSScript after loading ajax or drawing new element.

$.ajax('http://localhost').complete(function(data) {

    // Re-render styles after ajax complete and inserting content complete.


This project is under development. Use it if you want to give a try. If you want to contribute to this project, I say thanks. :) https://github.com/mahdaen/csscript

Release History